

Saturday, 6 December 2014

Old pictures, baby Dylan and puppy love

Awww feeling broody, I just added 69 pictures to my facebook page, mainly of when Dylan was a newborn baby in 2012. The time has gone by so quickly and he's already a little chatterbox 2 year old just like his sister!! I wish I had more photos of Charlie but he's so camera shy =-(

I always said I wanted 4 kids but when I had 3 I was like THAT'S ENOUGH but looking back at the pictures makes me want hundreds of babies!!

I've always wanted a puppy too, I was watching episode 3 of The Real Housewives of New Jersey earlier when the Giudice family get a puppy for Christmas, it was so sweet watching the girls reactions when they heard the puppy barking in the other room, I actually cried it was so cute! When I was younger all I wanted was a dog, for years I begged my mum but she always said NO ='(

As a young girl I remember watching Dennis the Menace and his dog Gnasher, OMG I wanted a dog just like Gnasher sooooooooo badly. I've had lots of pets, especially guinea pigs, but they just aren't the same as a puppy that you can snuggle up to, take it for walkies, teach it to sit, roll over and fetch etc. To this day I would still love to have a dog, but where I live you are not allowed to have pets so unless I get a house one day, my wish is never going to come true =-( BUT I think the main reason I always wanted a dog was because they love you unconditionally and I always wanted that companionship that people have with their dogs, now I have my babies, that filled up the huge empty space I had in my heart but I would love to have a dog so much! I think I'm actually broody to have a dog not another baby lol!

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